Tampa opens cooling centers to beat the heat

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — With a heat index above 110 degrees on Friday, the City of Tampa opened three cooling shelters.

“We are partnered with the American Red Cross and are providing a cooling area for people to sit and relax, enjoy some A/C and have some water and some snacks,” said Lisa Bryant with the Tampa Parks Department.

The cooling shelters are located at:

Bryant said the shelters are open to anyone in need.

“Maybe their A/C is not working, maybe their car A/C is not working, maybe they are just about and about in the park and they need to cool off,” Bryant said.

The shelters will be open through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The City of Tampa sent out an alert, offering other breaks from the heat.

“Residents are encouraged to also take advantage of the 12 pools and 9 splash pads that are operated by the City of Tampa and located throughout the city. A full list of pools and splash pads can be found on the Tampa Parks & Recreation webpage. Plans to extend open swim hours at the City of Tampa’s Parks and Recreation pools in response to extreme heat are currently underway.”