Tampa businessman starts global environmental movement

A simple thought by a Tampa businessman has turned into a global movement.

“If everyone in the world picked up just one piece of trash it wouldn’t be just a cleaner place it would be a better place,” said Joseph Cover.

Cover started a virtual cleanup called, “1 Piece Each.”

“We had cleanups from South Africa, Montreal, Hawaii, and Florida,” he said.

Now the virtual cleanups are gaining in popularity in Tampa Bay.  With partnerships like Keep Pinellas Beautiful and local movie theaters like Studio Movie Grill in Seminole and Tampa, people are coming together to create change. “Studio Movie Grill was nice enough to give us an entire theater they donated free of charge,” said Cover.

After a showing of the documentary “Straws,” a panel of experts from local universities, like USF, and Eckerd College, and environmental leaders took questions. “I thought if everyone picks up one piece each, imagine how that would compound and make a difference.”, said Cover. 

InVision Creative Cafe in St. Petersburg is having a documentary showing later this month.

If you would like more about 1 Piece Each, click here: