TAMPA (WFLA) – Tampa attorney Mark Wright saw the images of war on TV and noticed the growing refugee crisis as millions of Ukraine citizens are now being forced to leave their homes.

Wright decided he wanted to do something about it and he decided to travel to Poland and the Ukraine border to help out alongside volunteers from the National Jewish Federation.

“Overall, I was very touched from the start. I had so many experiences where I experienced the happiest of happy, by being able to connect to these people bring a smile, bring a soccer ball,” said Wright who has just returned from a week-long trip.

He says he never saw panic in the faces of the Ukraine refugees, but he did see the concern.

“I could see in their eyes, I could see in their faces how they left their homes and they have nowhere to go,” said Wright.

He helped give out food, clothing and even toys at a refugee center.

“It’s unbelievable to see the people and to see what is going on, you know they are carrying one suitcase, they are carrying their cats in their arms or their children in their arms,” Wright said.

He says the Ukraine people are holding up under very difficult circumstances.

“I got the sense that they were happy that they could get out but they were also exhausted,” Wright said.

He believes he did what he could to help, and will have a lifetime of memories from the trip, but he knows more help is needed.

“I was kind of overwhelmed by just the sense of emotion I felt,” Wright said.