TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) – Howard Schechter received his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at University Mall in Tampa on Jan. 21.

At that time, the location was being run by Hillsborough County and things went smoothly. Now, the vaccine site has been taken over by the state officials and Schechter, and hundreds of others, are having problems getting an appointment for their second dose of the vaccine.

“I believe the state is abusing us people to no end and not giving us answers,” Schechter said.

When he and others received their first dose of the vaccine, an appointment wasn’t needed for the second dose.

The state has hired a different vendor to administer the vaccine and the rules changed.

Now, people must go to a state website to register for an appointment, but many like Schechter say they’ve been to the website and still don’t have an appointment for their second dose.

“I have gone onto the website since Thursday, every single day to the website, and put in the information the website asked for and then I get you will be contacted when appointments are available,” Schechter said.

On Thursday, Governor Ron DeSantis promised to look into the issue.

His office issued the following statement Friday:

“Anyone who is due for their second dose and has not received a call to schedule an appointment, should visit myvaccine.fl.gov and select “No, I am seeking my second dose” from the dropdown menu.

Additionally, weather conditions across the United States impacted COVID-19 the federal vaccine shipments to Florida.

200,000 Moderna vaccines that were expected to arrive Tuesday, February 16 have been delayed.”

The vaccines issued at University Mall were Pfizer vaccines, not Moderna.

Schechter is just hoping he can get his second dose soon.