Family of Kenyatta “Keke” Barron, 33 and her daughter Ron’Nievya Oneal, 9, are still mourning after their murders back in March. 

Newly released photos show Ronnie Oneal III just after Hillsborough County deputies said he killed his girlfriend and daughter. 

He’s accused of stabbing his young son, nearly killing the boy, before setting the house on fire. 

The charges of premeditated first degree murder show that deputies believe Oneal was able to think through the violent crimes he’s accused of committing.

In newly released interviews, documents and transcripts, some people told deputies they didn’t see any sign of trouble at the home until they heard screams for help that night. 

One neighbor hid in the bathroom with his children while calling 911 after hearing Barron yell for help. 

New evidence shows that there may have been tension over Oneal’s efforts to convert the family to Islam. 

The couple’s son told deputies from his hospital bed that his parents were talking about God and religion before the incident. 

Other witnesses who gave recorded statements told deputies that Oneal strongly believed that women were of a lower stature that men. 

Witnesses said Oneal threatened Barron in the past and was once seen yelling from the roof well before the incident. 

The night of the murders, deputies said Oneal made a 911 call and ranted about demons, referring to Barron by her nickname, Keke. 

Dispatcher: 911, what’s your emergency?

Oneal: Hey, I just been attacked by some white demon…inside… Was inside. Keke, Keke, her name is Keke and she tried to kill me. 

Barron called 911 and begged for her life while deputies said Oneal yelled “Allah Akbar” in the background. 

Oneal has spoken out several times in court and at one point said the media is portraying him as a “menace to society.”

Doctors told a judge last month that they believe he’s incompetent to stand trial.

Oneal was transferred to a state hospital Monday where he will stay under mental evaluation until he’s fit to come back to be there for his own defense.