(WFLA) – A lot of people resolve to get healthier in the new year, even children. 8 is On Your Side to help you meet those New Year’s resolutions safely. No matter your age, it’s always important to stay as healthy as possible.

But beware. If you do too much, too fast, regardless of your age, you could pay the price.

Dr. David Siambanes with the Children’s Scoliosis Center at St. Joseph’s warns some New Year’s resolutions could be harmful, even for kids who seem so resilient.

“The growth plates in a child are weaker than tendons in an adult and often they get more impaired or injured,” he said.

Dr. Siambanes often treats young patients resolving to get in better shape for school sports. Many of those injuries, like a hyper-extension, can easily happen in a child’s lower back area.

While showing us an x-ray of this type of injury, he said, “This bone has slid forward on your sacrum, which is the lower aspect.”

So to help prevent a stress fracture, fitness expert Beth Scanlan with Bayshore Fit says moderation is key no, matter what your age.

“Don’t make big changes, too much too soon, both with exercise and your diet,” she said.

Besides making sure her young clients learn the value of warming up first, she also reminds them to find what works best for their body and their schedule.

“Just like there’s no one best exercise, there’s no one best cardio. The best one is the one you’re going to stick with and you’re going to enjoy doing,” said Scanlan.

Last but not least, she says be sure to give your body time to heal.

“It’s important to make sure the body has a chance to recuperate ’cause you’re breaking down and building up tissues.”

Besides getting in better shape, other popular New Year’s resolutions include getting organized, living life to the fullest and learning a new hobby.

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