PLANT CITY, Fla. (WFLA) – Shandricka Boyd was among hundreds who lined up in Plant City on Thursday to apply for assistance because of losses from Hurricane Irma.

“We lost power for about four or five days, all our food, we had a little mold, a little flooding, definitely we were out of work for about three or four days,” said Boyd.

She is applying for help under the “Food for Florida” program. Residents in 48 of Florida’s 67 counties are eligible for the help.

Michael Godwin was also in line to apply.

“I heard that you some money reimbursement on some food. I’m on disability and I just had shoulder surgery and every little bit I get helps me keep my place going,” said Godwin.

The “Food for Florida” program is administered by the Florida Department of Children and Families and issues EBT cards to people who have suffered losses as a result of the hurricane. People can apply if they lost income, had home or business repairs, had evacuation expenses, had to replace food or household items, had clean up expenses or personal injury, including funeral expenses.

The program takes place at Plant City Stadium at 1810 E. Park Rd., in Plant City from 7a.m. until 6 p.m. until October 10th.

While the program is set up to offer help, workers are also looking for fraud.

“If people lie in any way on this application, whether they are claiming additional people in their household or incorrect losses, we will eventually be able to find that and we will come after them,” said Natalie Harrell with the Department of Children and Families.Applicants should come on the day assigned based on the first letter of their last name:

10/5 – A – E 10/6 – F – I 10/7 – J – M 10/8 – N – P 10/9 – Q – Z 10/10 – Make-up Day

Individuals should be prepared to potentially encounter long lines and are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing and shoes along with sunscreen. For more information, visit

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