TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — It’s Speed Buster time and WFLA Traffic Reporter Leslee Lacey is in North Tampa today. Two grandmothers just want their grandkids to be able to ride bikes on their road. But when speeders hit the pavement, it makes them quite scared for the little ones.

So, they called Leslee out to Hyacinth Ave and told her to bring the Speed Buster gun.

The first grandmother, who Leslee dubs the Hyacinth Avenue Watchdog told her, “Oh they are just going too fast over here, I got grand kids on the road that are trying to ride the bicycle now. And my neighbors they have grandkids too. They be getting down on the street here sometime.”

Just a few blocks away from Hyacinth is an elementary school and Copeland Park. Leslee saw many kids walking from the residential street to the school. Chatman’s neighbor is Judy Wilson. She is also a concerned grandmother. Leslee dubs her the “Hyacinth Ave Guardian.”

“What is your biggest concern with the speeding?” asked Leslee.  “I raised my kids here and I got grand kids and now and I see a lot of other kids moving in this neighborhood, riding their bicycle. Not on the sidewalks. In the streets so that’s my main concern, about the kids,” said Judy.

Leslee also noticed a nearby school traffic sign had been hit by a vehicle and was on the ground.  so, Leslee pulled out the Speed Buster gun.

It was around 10:30 a.m. on a Monday, and traffic was extremely light. The grandmothers promised there would be speeders and more vehicles later in the day, so Leslee returned around 2 p.m. and vindicated them. Leslee caught several vehicles going over 35 mph in the 25 mph zone. She also caught vehicles going 40, 45 and 47 mph, which is 22 mph over the safe speed.

Leslee asked Chatman if she had a speeder in front of her, what would she like to say to him or her?

“Slow that car down! Slow that car down!” replied Chatman.

Chatman wants speed bumps installed to help drivers hit the brakes on Hyacinth Avenue. Leslee is taking her request to the City of Tampa and will be following up.

If you have a speeding issue on your street direct message Leslee on her Facebook page @WFLALeslee or her twitter account on @lesleelacey and she may be able to bring Speed Busters to your street.RELATED COVERAGE-