In the midst of the Discovery Channel’s “Shark Week,” researchers from the Atlantic Shark Conservancy spotted and tagged their first shark of the season. Marine biologists tagged the 13-foot Great White off the coast of Massachusetts Monday.

They named the shark Avery. Biologists plan to track Avery and the other sharks they have tagged during the past four summers.

News Channel 8 checked on the Great Whites tracked by OCEARCH who have pinged near the Tampa Bay area. In April, 1,400-pound Betsy pinged just outside of St. Petersburg. Betsy last pinged near Louisiana. That was on June 5.

Katharine, meanwhile, is off the coast of North Carolina. In May, the 14’2″ shark pinged off Florida’s east coast. The 2,300-pound shark frequently visits waters near Florida. In July 2014 she made her way close to both Sarasota and Tampa.

Sharks ping when they surface. To track Betsy, Katharine, Lydia and the other Great Whites tagged by OCEARCH go here.

It’s not just Great Whites visiting us. Boca Grande has been named by USA Today as one of the top 10 places in the world to spot sharks from shore.

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