Google’s self driving car involved in car crash

MOUNTAIN VIEW (KRON) – Police responded to a car accident involving a vehicle and a Google Self-Driving car, Friday afternoon.

According to police, the collision happened around 1:30 p.m. on El Camino Real and Calderon Avenue when a driver took a red light and collided with the Google self-driving car.

A spokesperson for Google said, the vehicle was driving autonomously at the time of the crash and sensed the other driver crossing the intersection and braked. One person was in the Google’s self-driving Lexus RX car, and took over driving and applied the brakes. The collision was inevitable.

No one was injured during the collision, police said.

Officials from Google issued a statement in regards to collisions, and the steps Google is taking to prevent future collisions.

“Thousands of crashes happen every day on U.S. roads, and red-light running is the leading cause of urban crashes in the U.S. Human error plays a role in 94% of these crashes, which is why we’re developing fully self-driving technology to take human error out of the equation and make our roads safer.”

According to a Google spokesperson, there has been only one collision where a Google vehicle was partially responsible for the crash.