Florida’s new marijuana rules under fire from advocates

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Capitol News Service) – Will Florida voters get what they asked for when they voted to legalize medical marijuana? That’s the question because a proposed rule implementing voters intentions isn’t finding favor with the amendment’s authors.

Just 1800 people currently qualify for either low or high THC medical marijuana in Florida.  All come under the law approved before voters overwhelmingly said yes to Amendment two in November. During a legislative hearing Christian Bax, the Director of the Office of Compassionate Use, said the state is trying to force Amendment 2 regulations into existing law.

“We believe that there is a way the current framework can be wedded to Amendment 2,” Bax said.

Advocates say the state is basically trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, trying to use an old regulatory scheme when voters asked for something completely different.

Advocated say the proposed rule has two major problems. It attempts to keep just the seven approved growers who also distribute and sell without adding more. Marijuana lobbyist Ron Watson says that’s a problem for consumers.

“Imagine you had a pharmacy, and the only thing you could get at the pharmacy was made by one manufacturer. You would have a Merck pharmacy and the only way to get Astrazeneca product is to drive across town and go to another pharmacy to get it,” says Watson, who lobbies for the Sarasota-based AltMed.

A second problem is the constitutional language that allows doctors to prescribe medical cannabis for unlisted debilitating diseases. The rule wants a medical board to approve those diseases, but constitutional author Ben Pollera says that’ s not what people intended,

“I think it’s pretty clear… that this decision be made by the physician treating patients,” said Pollera by phone.

New legislation dealing with Amendment two could be filed as early as next week.

Five public hearings are scheduled for the week of February 6th and are being held: