PENSACOLA, Fla. (WFLA/WKRG) — A controversial billboard is a hot topic online today drawing fierce criticism from some locals and praise from others.

The billboard plainly calls the NRA a “terrorist’s organization”.

The new Pensacola sign is catching the eye of many, and drivers are reportedly doing a double take to read it.

The message on the billboard comes weeks after a former student killed 17 people with a military style weapon at Stoneman Douglas High School in Broward County.

The billboard was created by a man named Claude Taylor up in the panhandle who is part of an organization called the Mad Dog Pac.

On the group’s website, it says the committee is newly formed and wants to take political action against gun violence.

According to Taylor’s official Twitter account, he is looking to place more billboards like this one, to call out the NRA, across the country.

{“url”:”″,”author_name”:”Claude Taylor”,”author_url”:””,”html”:”u003Cblockquote class=”twitter-tweet”u003Eu003Cp lang=”en” dir=”ltr”u003ERolling forward. Adding “The NRA is a Terrorist Organization” billboard. Going up next week in Pensacola. Seeking major highway locations across the country. u003Ca href=””u003E— Claude Taylor (@TrueFactsStated) u003Ca href=””u003EFebruary 20, 2018u003C/au003Eu003C/blockquoteu003Enu003Cscript async src=”” charset=”utf-8″u003Eu003C/scriptu003En”,”width”:550,”height”:null,”type”:”rich”,”cache_age”:”3153600000″,”provider_name”:”Twitter”,”provider_url”:””,”version”:”1.0″}

Pensacola Resident Chris Lucky says he has no problem with the message on the billboard.

“I believe that freedom of speech is important but you should also be able to ignore it if you need to and go about your day,” Lucky said.

Resident Karen Barr says the message is just negative.

“There are a ton of other things in this world that could kill us,” Barr said. “We could go on to say abortionists are terrorists too.”

Danielle Grimshaw is a senior in high school. She believes in gun control but doesn’t think this message will help the situation.

“I’m personally not a huge gun person or riffle person but I don’t think they are a terrorist organization,” Grimshaw said. “I think that’s the wrong message to put out there.”

WFLA News Channel 8’s affiliate station, News Five, did reach out to the creator of the committee and has not yet heard back.>> MORE TRENDING TOPICSStay with WFLA News Channel 8’s Lila Gross for the latest trending news straight from social media