LAKE MARY, Fla. (AP) — Authorities say a Florida man faces attempted murder charges for dragging a sheriff deputy about 100 yards (91 meters) with his SUV during a traffic stop.
Seminole County Sheriff Dennis Lemma told news outlets 38-year-old Rocky Rudolph Jr. was shot in the leg by the officer during the Orlando-area incident. He fled on foot but was detained eight hours later and taken to a hospital.
Deputy Aaron Blais was also taken to a hospital.
Blais pulled Rudolph over Saturday in Lake Mary, Florida for illegal window tint and smelled marijuana. Lemma says Rudolph refused to turn off the SUV, and began driving while Blais grabbed the window. Blais pulled his gun out, radioed for backup, but Rudolph drove even further. Lemma says Blais fired into the car before falling off.