Kangaroos visit Dauphin Island beaches

DAUPHIN ISLAND, Ala. (WKRG) — Kangaroos, yes kangaroos, took a trip to Dauphin Island, Alabama Sunday.

Two baby female kangaroos, who are raised by a woman named Val in Baton Rouge, visited Dauphin Island to experience the sand and water. 

Dauphin Island resident Jane Walton snapped photos of the visitors. She tells News 5 “The kangaroos were both little girls, 6 and 7 months old. They arrived on the beach on leashes, with diapers on and in snuggle pouches that they were being carried in.”

The kangaroos are bottle fed 5 times a day. “They didn’t seem to mind the sand but didn’t really want to get in the water and they stuck right with her. Although they look fairly large they only weigh about 7 lb and will be about 45 pounds when fully grown,” Walton says.