Florida waitress changed receipts to get higher tips, deputies say

REDDICK, Fla. (WESH) — A woman at a Reddick restaurant is accused of altering receipts to increase her tip amounts.

According to an arrest report, two patrons at the Iron Skillet on West Highway 318 said the amount they should have been charged for their meals did not match what they paid in their bank accounts.

Deputies were given 20 receipts completed by waitress Kayla Conner that appeared to be altered or forged.

Authorities say Conner initially denied changing receipts to increase her tips, saying it was normal to get larger tips.

When officials asked Conner about the two patrons that had brought attention to their charges, she denied changing tips again, the report says.

After being told she would not be arrested that day for answering questions, Conner admitted to changing tips on several transactions, the report says.

Deputies say Conner told them on some receipts that were left blank, she would fill out the tip and use it during the transaction.

One victim told authorities he left of tip of $3.90 which was changed to $53.90, making the total for the transaction $83.00.

Another victim told authorities he left a $6 tip, which was changed to a $100 tip.

Conner was arrested for multiple charges including organized fraud and petit theft.