Husband questioned after bodies of Florida mom, children found

MARION COUNTY, Fla. (WESH/WFLA) – UPDATE 4 p.m: A mother has been found dead and authorities located the remains of her four children, according to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office.

Earlier today, detectives confirmed they had located the body of Casei Jones, the mother of the four missing children, in Brantley County, Georgia.

Jones and her four children, Cameron Bowers, 10, Preston Bowers, 5, Mercalli Jones, 2, and Aiyana Jones, 1, had not been seen for six weeks.

Casei’s husband Michael Wayne Jones, Jr. was located in Brantley County, Georgia, following a traffic accident.

Casei’s remains were found in the vehicle that Jones Jr. was driving at the time of the accident. The sheriff’s office says Jones Jr later led detectives to the remains of four children. Although the remains have not been positively identified, detectives believe they are the remains of the four missing children.

“As far as I’m concerned, underneath the jail ain’t good enough,” Sheriff Billy Woods said.

Detectives believe that Michael Jones stored the bodies at his home and in his van for several weeks before transporting them to Brantley County, Georgia.

A warrant has been issued for her husband’s, Michael Waye Jones Jr., arrest for second-degree murder. He is currently being questioned in connection with her death.

UPDATE 11 a.m.: Marion County Sheriff’s Office confirmed they have located and identified the body of Casei Jones. She was found dead near Brantley County, Georgia.

A warrant has been issued for her husband’s, Michael Waye Jones Jr., arrest for second-degree murder.

Jones’ four children are still reported missing.

ORIGINAL STORY: A Florida woman and her four children have been missing for six weeks, according to authorities.

The Marion County Sheriff’s Office is searching for Casei Jones, 32, and four children: Cameron Bowers, 10, Preston Bowers, 5, Mercalli Jones, 2, and Aiyana Jones, 1.

Jones and her children were last seen in the Ocala area.

Deputies said that Jones’ family and friends have not heard from her in six weeks and are worried for their well-being.

Jones is believed to be driving a 2019 Chrystler Pacifica with Florida tag 91SEJ.

Anyone with information regarding the family’s whereabouts is asked to call 911 or the Marion County Sheriff’s Department.