JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (WFLA) – Jacksonville sheriff’s deputies are investigating the death of an infant girl found Wednesday afternoon in a van at a daycare.

A homicide unit responded to the Ewing’s Love and Hope Preschool after receiving a call about a dead 4-month-old found in a van. 

During a press conference, officials with the department said the baby girl was in the van for five hours.

According to First Coast News, the child’s mother called the daycare to check on her baby but was told employees hadn’t seen her. The report says the mother rushed to the daycare and found the baby inside the van. 

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office tweeted Wednesday night that Darryl Ewing, 56, a co-owner of the daycare, has been arrested for child neglect.

After further investigation, Ewing kept a separate driver’s log which documented all children that are placed in the van, according to a JSO press release. The log showed he logged in two of the 4-month-old’s siblings but not the little girl herself.

Ewing appeared before a judge Thursday morning and was set bail for $75,000. 

The Florida Department of Children and Families has temporarily suspended the daycare’s license for failing to notify the state about transporting children.