HOUSTON (AP) — A doctor who is treating former President George H.W. Bush says while the nation’s 41st president has recovered from pneumonia, he is still dealing with the effects of chronic bronchitis.

In a statement issued Tuesday, Dr. Clint Doerr, a pulmonologist at Houston Methodist Hospital, said he still expects the 92-year-old Bush will be discharged by the end of the week.

Bush has been at the hospital since April 14.

Doerr says chronic bronchitis — a constant irritation of the lining of tubes that carry air to one’s lungs — can aggravate the symptoms of pneumonia.

Doerr says once Bush is home, doctors will continue with “aggressive respiratory treatments.”

Bush served as president from 1989 to 1993. He spent 16 days in the hospital in January for treatment of pneumonia.STORIES THAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON-