Sean Collinson has seen his share of broken relationships. His mother was 14 when she gave birth to him and then raised him in a notoriously rough section of Brooklyn. His 18-year-old father died violently before Sean turned one.
As a Harvard-trained family law mediator who handles high-conflict dissolution of marriage and custody cases, he has witnessed the fragments of epic relationship failure.
His daily work as a mediator inspired him to create a straightforward chaperon to the principles that make romantic relationships work.
“I originally wrote ‘7 Keys to Love’ to give to my mediation clients so they would be more successful finding the right life partner,” said Sean Collinson, Los Angeles-based family law mediator. “Once the book was written; however, I realized it could benefit a much wider audience.”
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Collinson is here to give us a sneak peek into his book by sharing five tips for couples that want to keep the passion in their relationship:
Make giving a few minutes of undivided attention to your better half part of your morning and evening routine. “You’re messing up if you come home still talking business on your cell phone or absorbed in texts,” Collinson said. “Shut it down in the driveway and come home ready to give your full attention to your partner. Make eye contact; hug.”
Find at least one thing to do every day to make life easier and happier for your significant other. Start the day by asking yourself: What could I do to make him or her keep me for one more day? Pack her lunch and write a love note on the napkin. Take a chore off his honey-do list.
Intimacy does not happen if you and your honey are not on the same sleep schedule. “There’s nothing on TV you can’t DVR. Make sure you’re in bed together as often as possible,” Collinson said.
“If you didn’t give a ‘just because’ gift to the person you are in a relationship with at least three times last year, you need to up your game,” Collinson said. He advises adding some mystery and fun back in your relationship, and the passion will follow.
“What you focus your attention on will become a bigger part of your life as a couple,” he said. “Strive to live in gratitude for all that your spouse, partner, boyfriend or girlfriend gives to you.”