Country music star leaves $1,000 tip for waitress working a double while caring for daughter at Waffle House

GREENSBORO, N.C. (WGHP) — A Waffle House employee got a surprise when a country music star left a generous tip after his to-go meal.

The artist noticed Shirell “Honey” Lackey performing double duties, caring for her daughter at work while tending to customers at the restaurants.

That night, Lackey worked a double shift at the Greensboro Waffle House from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m.

The big tipper, who Lackey wants to keep anonymous, left her $1,000 after someone from his entourage tipped her $50 and told the musician the story of Lackey’s work ethic right before he ordered his to-go meal.

Lackey said after she noticed the tip, he also gave her some words of encouragement.

“He was like, ‘I have to respect a mother that would do whatever it takes to support their child in a society where people don’t even want to work anymore,'” Lackey said.

The anonymous tipper also gave Lackey two concert tickets and sent baby clothes and toys to her home for her daughter Bella.

“It feels good to be recognized. I mean, I don’t do it to be recognized, I do it because Bella is everything — but it’s nice to be recognized for doing the things we do as mothers,” Lackey said.