WATERBURY, Conn. (WTNH) — A teenager is being credited with saving four people, including three small children, from a burning car.

Justin Gavin, 18, was getting off a bus in Waterbury, Connecticut last Wednesday when he heard cars honking their horns and then spotted a burning car.

According to witnesses, he ran over and freed the driver before pulling three kids from inside.

The mother credits Gavin with saving their lives, but he argues he was simply doing the right thing.

“Everybody deserves a chance at life so, helping is one thing that can actually give them a chance,” Gavin said. “I felt honored and I was just happy that I can do something for someone else other than myself for the first time in my life.”

Justin Gavin, 18, was honored by the Chief of Police in Waterbury for saving three kids and their mother from this burning car Sept. 9, 2020.

The Waterbury police chief recognized his heroism during a ceremony last week by presenting him one of the city’s highest honors, a challenge coin.

“One of the things I do to recognize heroic feats or excellent work is to provide them with a challenge coin. It’s just to acknowledge your heroic act and a token of my appreciation for you being a great member of the community,” said Police Chief Fernando Spagnolo.