Cate’s Corner: Reflecting on 2020

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — In this week’s Cate’s Corner, Keith Cate talks about how 2020 may be viewed to future generations.

Here are his thoughts:

I remember my first pair of binoculars. I looked through the lens and was amazed. Things far-away looked close-up. Even more astonishing for a kid, when you flipped it around it was opposite world. Things close-up looked far-away. It was an early life lesson.

When it comes to how things appear it depends on which end of the binoculars you’re looking through. I once had an instructor tell me the best answer to most questions is it depends…especially when responding to sensitive, complex, or controversial topics. It was good advice then and better advice now.

This coronavirus pandemic has proven to be not only a killer virus but also a catalyst for conflict. Disagreements about social distancing guidelines became arguments about stay at home orders. Heated debates about wearing a mask has led to mandates. Peaceful protests against police brutality and racial injustice have been hijacked by some who think problems are best solved through violence, vandalism and the destruction of public monuments.

Who’s right, who’s wrong? It depends. I look at life from my perspective. You probably do the same. Circumstances influence our thinking. In other words, depending on which end of the binoculars we’re looking through, things appear differently.

The bigger concern to me is when we start to feel so beaten down by all the negativity that we set aside our personal beliefs and give in to the momentum of groupthink. This week, I overheard someone say, “I don’t want to think anymore, just tell me what to do.” I thought but didn’t say: “No, don’t give up. Your opinion matters. Your reaction matters. You matter.”

I encourage all of you to stay strong mentally and emotionally, as well as physically. A vaccine is coming. The nation’s top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci said he’s optimistic we’ll have one before the end of the year. Will that resolve all of our societal problems? Probably not. Will it help us to return to a more normal way of life? Maybe. Either way, 2020 is already one for the history books. And just like we are judging the actions of those who came before us, future generations will look back at us. What will they say? it depends.