TAMPA (BLOOM) – Project DYNAMO, headquartered in Tampa, Florida, is a veteran-led, donor-funded “international search, rescue, aid and assistance non-profit organization”, making an impact worldwide, rescuing Americans in war, conflict, and natural disaster.
The Founder and CEO of Project DYNAMO, Bryan Stern, a multiple-tour combat veteran of the United States Army and Navy with over 25 years of military experience, joined this week’s episode of Bloom Health Club, sharing stories about his “Oceans 11”-type secret missions, saving and serving vulnerable Americans and Allies abroad.
“Project DYNAMO operates in ‘The Grey Space’ where the U.S. government is not. This means, when the government is unable or unwilling to provide assistance, DYNAMO responds & deploys,” says Project DYNAMO.
Stern, the man behind this incredible mission has earned himself a Purple Heart Medal, which according to the United Service Organizations, is “presented to service members who have been wounded or killed as a result of enemy action while serving in the U.S. military. [It] is [also] a solemn distinction and means a service member has greatly sacrificed themselves, or paid the ultimate price, while in the line of duty.”
“Save Americans” is the view of Project DYNAMO, emphasizing unity and displaying their unwavering commitment to help and serve others.
The episode, which was streamed live on Facebook and the Bloom Tampa Bay website, extends Bloom’s mission to promote awareness and recognize people who have dedicated their life and work to serving others.
Tune into this digital episode to immerse yourself in Bryan Stern’s personal stories and journeys, his intelligent insight and see his unwavering commitment to the people.