CLEARWATER, Fla. (WFLA) – This year marks the 10th anniversary of the “Dolphin Tale” movie that made Clearwater Marine Aquarium’s Winter the Dolphin a star.

Winter is an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin who is now 15 years old and lives at the aquarium’s brand new dolphin habitat.

“She is doing great, she is living her best life,” Clearwater Marine Aquarium Animal Care Specialist Katie Wojdyla said.

The film “Dolphin Tale” features Winter’s journey to recovery with the team at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium after she lost her tail from being entangled in a crab trap line.

“The movie really brings in a lot of very special guests that have really incredible stories of survival and perseverance and it’s all because of her incredible story,” Wojdyla said.

The aquarium is celebrating the film’s anniversary all month long and inviting fans to join in on the festivities.

“When people are able to get so up close and personal, make these really special connections with these incredible animals, it really is the best way inspire people to go out and help their counterparts out in the wild,” Wojdyla said.

Props from the original movie set will be on display and screenings of both “Dolphin Tale” movies will be shown every day throughout the month in the aquarium’s new theater.

All fans of Dolphin Tale can join in the celebration throughout all of September and tickets are available online.