Manatee County Sheriff's Office Facebook photo

MANATEE COUNTY, Fla. (WFLA) – Manatee County Sheriff’s Office deputies most likely scared the daylights out of some local kids… and then made their day.

The kids had set up a lemonade stand in their neighborhood. All of the sudden, MCSO cruisers swarmed the neighborhood with lights flashing. When the deputies parked and got out of their cruisers, the kids probably thought they were in a heap of trouble.

But, the deputies were there for some cool, refreshing lemonade.

Neighbor Matthew Cooper wrote about the cool encounter on Facebook:

“I was thinking they might be there to close the kids down … but NO! They came up, bought some lemonade for themselves, “deputized” the kids, then visited for about 10 minutes!! What a WONDERFUL thing for them to do – INCLUDING the patrol Sergeant!

These kids will have this memory for a LONNNG time! And I am PROUD of our Manatee County Deputies, for their TRUE service to our kids and families!

WELL DONE, Y’all!”

We agree, Matthew. A job well done!