Although the tax season is over, we continue to receive phone calls and social media messages from our viewers about IRS impostor calls that they get.
8 On Your Side team covered this issue before and during this tax season. IRS issued multiple statements saying that the agency will not call people and demand to pay instantly or threaten law suits.
Congress had a special hearing regarding this IRS scam this year. During the hearing the Federal Trade Commission told lawmakers that the IRS impostor scam was the single largest type of complaint it received last year.
Here is more information about the tactics the impostors use.
Tampa Bay residents have been victimized by this scam as well.
Here is a list of top 12 tax scams and how to spot a tax scam.
Also check out the slideshow above for the things IRS will never do.
Tax officials and fraud prevention specialists believe the best way to prevent the scams is to educate the consumers about them. Please feel free to share this information with your friends and family.
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