10 signs your smartphone or tablet has been hacked

KNOXVILLE (WATE) – If you believe your phone or tablet has been compromised, it is critical to take action quickly, but most people don’t recognize when it happens. Here’s how to tell:

1. Slow performance

Malware running in the background can impact the performance of your device.Related:Beware! Security firm finds 36 Android devices with preinstalled malware

2. Bad battery life

Android users have a good idea about how long their battery should last. Malware can give itself away when batteries mysteriously drain quicker than usual.

Also, if your device may run physically “hotter” than before.

3. Data spikes

Often times Malware can be detected by examining your data plan bill. Significant changes in your download or upload patterns could be a sign that someone has control over your device.

4. Dropped calls and disruptions

During times when you have good signal strength, if you experience calls being dropped or if you hear strange noises occur during the phone conversation.

5. Your device is sending or receiving strange text messages

If your friends or colleagues report seeing strange text messages that you didn’t send, it may be related to a breach.

6. New apps

If you have a new app that you don’t remember installing, it may mean it has been hacked. Sophisticated malware can take over an entire device and install malicious apps to track what you are doing, access your GPS or your personal information.

Some apps may also stop working properly or suddenly stop working. This may be a sign the malware is interfering with the apps’ functionality.

7. Websites appear differently

In some cases, if websites appear slightly different it could be in indicator of malicious activity. Mobile devices are constantly connected to networks, and businesses are seeing more attacks where someone is manipulating traffic between the device and the Internet.

8. Unexpected charges

If you spot strange charges on your bill, give the operator a call and ask what they are for. Some free apps may have you submit an agreement that says you will subscribe to an SMS subscription.

9. Pop-ups

Just like on computers, some mobile-device malware produces pop-up windows asking the user to perform various actions. If you are seeing pop-ups, beware.

10. Data breaches

Of course, if you experience a data leak you should always check to determine the source of the problem.