Australian athletes were left apologizing and asking for forgiveness after some post-games rowdiness led to broken beds, damaged walls, and missing mascots.

Team chief Ian Ian Chesterman told Reuters’ Karolos Grohmann that the rooms were not completely trashed and the suddenly-infamous cardboard beds aided in their own destruction, but said that plenty of remorse was expressed by the athletes and that the kids are alright.

“It is a book as old as time: a good young person makes a mistake, chapter two is a good, young person is full of remorse. Chapter three is a good young person learns from the mistake and becomes a better person.”

And if you’re wondering if the mascots were live animals or inanimate… it’s the latter.

“The kangaroo and emu mascots were missing and we were very pleased to say they have returned. It was a bit of a mystery. There was a bit of a search and (we) were about to post wanted signs,” Chesterman said. “It seems they enjoyed a pleasant holiday in Deutschland. The mascots enjoy holidays in the village from time to time. But we are very pleased they are back.”

Oh the stories they could tell… if animals could speak… or if they were real animals. Still good stories, though, we bet.