Important deadline: Oct. 5 is last day to register to vote in Florida

TAMPA, Fla. — Oct. 5 is the deadline to register to vote in the Nov. 3 presidential election.

Eligible Florida voters must be 18 years old, a citizen of the United States, a resident of the state; not a felon, or a felon who has had his or her rights restored; and not adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting, or has the right to vote restored. 

You may register in person at a driver’s license office, tax collector’s office that issues driver’s licenses or ID cards or at a voter registration office. You may also print out a registration form available through your supervisor of elections office and mail it in, however, it must be postmarked by Oct. 5.

Another option that’s encouraged is to register online, at

If you are already registered to vote in Florida but need to update your registration – with an address, for example – you can do that up to Election Day.

Joe Guido with also points out that a signature is used to validate your vote. You have the right to compare your signature on file to your current signature. To do that, visit your Supervisor of Elections office and request to see the registration on file.