Pink Pickled Deviled Eggs

12 organic eggs, boiled

1 can beets, drained

1 cup apple cider vinegar

3 sprigs thyme

3 tablespoons maple syrup

1 teaspoon salt

Large mason jar


1/3 cup Mayo

1 teaspoon mustard

1 sprig of thyme

Salt and pepper to taste

Peel cooled boiled eggs and place in large mason jar. Add beets, apple cider vinegar, 3 sprigs of thyme, maple syrup and salt. Stir. Place in refrigerator for 24 hours.

Remove eggs from brine, dry and slice in half.

Scoop out yolks and make filling.

Add mayo, salt and pepper, and mustard to cooked egg yolks. Once combined and smooth, place in a pastry bag with a large tip on it.

Line up egg halves in egg plate and fill each egg with filling. Garnish with thyme.

Pink Flamingo Cocktail

1 part Malibu rum

2 parts organic pink lemonade

Splash grenadine


Pink cherries for garnishPHOTOS PROVIDED BY:  Marc Edwards Photographs