The Way to a Man’s Heart

We’ve all heard the old adage, “The Way To A Man’s Heart Is Through His Stomach”  — but is it true?  Can mentioning certain foods in your online dating profile improve your chances at finding love?  Our dating coach Lisa Daily is here to discuss.

The number crunchers at Zoosk anaylzed 3.7 million dating profiles and 364 million first messages to find out what effect different foods had on a dater’s profile and attractiveness. Here’s what they found:

Guacamole — which increases your number of inbound messages by 144%
Potatoes. 101%
Chocolate. 100%
Salad. 97%
Sushi. 93%
Avocado millenial fave 91%
Ice cream 62% increase in messages

2 Are there foods that have the opposite effect?  Foods you shouldn’t mention in your online dating profile?

Yams. Mentioning “yams” in your profile accounts for a 70% DECREASE in inbound messages.
The runner-up for worst online dating profile foods is fried chicken, which is responsible for a 15% decrease in messages.

3 Why does mentioning food increase your attractiveness?

Foodies are sexy — just mentioning the word “foodie” in your profile will increase your messages by 82%, and using the word  “cook” in your profile will increase your messages by 26%.  

That said — while including various foods in your profile can increase your number of messages, it probably shouldn’t be the first thing you talk about when you connect with someone. Mentioning food in your initial message doesn’t help you get more replies — unless you mention “eggplant”, which is weirdly responsible for a 10% increase in messages.  

4 Speaking of food, what kind of restaurant is best for a first date?

Favorite date-night foods are:

Seafood 19%
Steak 18% — men prefer steak by 7%
Mexican 12%
Pasta 9%
Sushi 8% — Millenials votes sushi as their favorite date night food
Pizza 7%

 5 What’s the worst food for a first date?

23% of daters surveyed said Buffalo Wings or ribs
15% said Indian food
12% said food “that’s hard to pronounce”
10% said garlic.
59% of women have a negative perception of a date when they suggest a fast-food restaurant, but only 25% of men feel the same way. For 10% of women, a fast food first date is an immediate deal-breaker.