freeFall Theatre’s production of “The Light In The Piazza” has been extended through July 17th. This lush, deeply romantic musical follows Margaret and her daughter Clara on their visit to Florence in the summer of 1953. When Clara falls in love with a young Italian man, Margaret is forced to not only consider Clara’s future, but her own deep-seated hopes and regrets as well. As Margaret attempts to shield her daughter from the outside world we become aware that all is not as it seems, and we are left to ponder the nature of love, desire, regret, and ultimately the beauty of life.
“The Light In The Piazza” was nominated for 11 Tony Awards and received six, including Best Original Score, Best Orchestration and Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Musical. The score is by Adam Guettel with a book by Craig Lucas. The musical is based on Elizabeth Spencer’s novella of the same name.
Melissa Minyard, from Broadway’s “Les Miserables,” stars as Margaret. freeFall resident company members Nick Lerew and Kelly Pekar, as Fabrizio and Clara, join Minyard. The cast also features Jennifer Byrne, of “Evil Dead The Musical,” Stephan James Jones, Robert Teasdale, Elizabeth Sackett, Joshua Romero and Rand Smith.
Tickets can be obtained by contacting the freeFall box office. There are discounts for seniors, teachers, students and members of the military. Rush tickets available for students and members of Actor’s Equity Association . Group rates and information can be obtained by contacting Matthew at 727-498-5205, extension 7.
For more information and tickets visit