The work of Tina Piracci, who is pursuing a Bachelors of Fine Arts degree with a concentration in sculpture, will be featured in a new high-rise condominium, The Salvador, under construction in the heart of downtown St. Petersburg’s Arts and Innovation District. Piracci won the 3-D Print Digital Art Sculpture Contest that held by the complex developer, in partnership with the University of South Florida (USF) and Tampa Bay Businesses For Culture and the Arts (TBBCA).

In February, The Salvador partnered with USF and TBBCA to call for student artists to design and create sculptures using a 3-D printer.  Interested students were asked to design an innovative sculpture inspired by the Surrealist art of Salvador Dali that could be transformed into a 3-D printed sculpture. For many of the students, this was the first time they worked with the 3-D printer at USF and had to consider how their art would transfer to the materials used in the 3-D printer.