Publix Aprons Back to the Table: Microwave Poached Eggs and Hollandaise with Springtime Potato Salad

Name: Microwave Poached Eggs and Hollandaise with Spring Time Potato Salad
Total Time – 30 minutes (Makes 4 servings)

Complete your meal with sliced ham, biscuits or English muffins, orange juice, and fresh cut fruit.
It is important to slowly pour the hot butter into the eggs when making the Hollandaise. This will warm up the eggs slowly (tempering) and keep them from scrambling.

4 slices bacon
2 lemons
1 (6-oz) package fresh English peas
3 cups baby arugula
4 biscuits (or English muffins)
1 (16-oz) container red potato salad
2 oz extra-sharp cheddar cheese
From Your Pantry
1 cup unsalted butter
7 large eggs
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon hot pepper sauce

Prepare potato salad through step 2 (15 minutes)
Prepare eggs and complete potato salad; serve (15 minutes)

Recipe: Microwave Poached Eggs and Hollandaise
Total Time – 15 minutes (Makes 4 servings)

1 cup unsalted butter, melted
7 large eggs, divided
1 lemon, for juice
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
2 cups water, divided
4 Bakery biscuits (or English muffins)

1. Melt butter in a small saucepot on low 2–3 minutes or until simmering and foamy. Separate 3 eggs; place yolks in blender reserving whites for later use if desired (wash hands).
2. Fill 4 (8-oz) microwave-safe bowls (or mugs) with 1/2 cup water each. Carefully crack 1 remaining egg into each cup. Microwave each cup on HIGH for 1 minute (for soft poach) or until desired doneness.
3. Squeeze lemon for juice (1 tablespoon). Place lemon juice, salt, and pepper sauce in blender with egg yolks. Cover and blend on HIGH for 30 seconds. Reduce power to LOW and slowly pour in hot butter while blending about 1 more minute.
4. Half biscuits. Drain eggs, then top each bottom-half biscuit with 1 egg, hollandaise, and top-half biscuit. Serve.

CALORIES (per 1/4 recipe) 660kcal; FAT 56g; SAT FAT 32g; TRANS FAT 2g; CHOL 495mg; SODIUM 410mg; CARB 27g; FIBER 0g;
SUGARS 0g; PROTEIN 13g; VIT A %; VIT C %; CALC 6%; IRON 10%

Recipe: Spring Time Potato Salad
Total Time – 20 minutes (Makes 4 servings)

2 oz extra-sharp cheddar cheese
1 lemon, for zest/juice
4 slices bacon
1 (6-oz) package fresh English peas
1 (16-oz) container Deli red potato salad
3 cups baby arugula

1. Cut cheddar into small cubes (1/2 cup). Zest lemon (1 teaspoon); squeeze for juice (2 tablespoons). Chop bacon (wash hands).
2. Preheat large sauté pan on medium 2–3 minutes. Place bacon in pan; cook 5–6 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until crispy. Stir in peas; cook 2–3 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until tender.
3. Stir in potato salad, zest, and juice until blended. Remove from heat; add cheese and arugula, stirring until blended. Serve.

CALORIES (per 1/4 recipe) 450kcal; FAT 34g; SAT FAT 10g; TRANS FAT 0g; CHOL 55mg; SODIUM 570mg; CARB 23g; FIBER 0g;
SUGARS 3g; PROTEIN 11g; VIT A %; VIT C %; CALC 10%; IRON 6%