Safety Harbor has been home to numerous public art installations over the years, from murals and mosaics to sculptures and memorials.

But much like candy and birthday presents, some people believe you can never have too much public art, and one local artist in particular is taking that concept to heart.

Heather Richardson, a mosaic artist who is part of the Safety Harbor Art and Music Center (SHAMc) Collective, recently embarked on a “public art intervention,” an ambitious project designed to spread public art throughout Pinellas County, and after starting with a small fence painting in St. Pete, she just completed her first big job, a mural on the side of the Joey Biscotti building in downtown Safety Harbor.

“I stole the idea from Isidora Paz Lopez, an artist who has done murals all over Santiago, Chile,” Richardson told Safety Harbor Connect while working on the Biscotti project last weekend. “She did a mosaic intervention there, and I was inspired by her and by what’s going on in St. Pete,” she said, adding, “Our goal is to put Safety Harbor on the map as far as public art.”