I created www.contestqueen.com as a hub of all things “sweepstaking”. When I started entering on daily basis in 2001 there was not a resource like mine for the hobby. Contest Queen makes it easy for someone to get started entering and winning quickly.
This hobby is huge and growing bigger, daily. Currently, 100 million Americans enter sweepstakes. In 2007, U.S. companies spent $1.89 billion running promotions. That number exceeded $4 billion in 2015 and sweepstakes-focused websites are now the fifth fastest growing property on the Internet.
Not only do I teach others how to win, I work with companies helping them run and viral market more effective promotions and avoid the types of mistakes currently occurring in sweepstakes over and over again as I have the unique perspective having sat at both sides of the table, as both marketer and competitor.
I feel my purpose in life is to teach others how to have fun and I can’t think of anything more fun than winning!!