Alessi’s Apple potion -hot
8 ounces of hot water
1 tablespoon of Alessi‘s organic apple cider vinegar
“ with the mother “
1 tablespoon of honey
2 to 3 shakes of cinnamon or cinnamon stick
(1/4 tsp approx )
Apple cider vinegar has a multitude of benefits.
Benefits include:
helping balance the pH in your stomach. Apple cider vinegar contains potassium cutting down on night leg cramps. If you have allergies or a cold it relieves a stuffy nose, helps soothe a sore throat, and you might even lose a pound or two.
Apple cider vinegar has been known to help cure hiccups, whiten teeth, freshen breath and boost energy. Even helps control blood sugar as people have turned to it to help with diabetes.
This is like warm cup of apple pie I’ve recently replaced my coffee with it
What I like to do is
rim of my coffee cup and put cinnamon sugar on it.
Alessi’s fall martini – cold
3 ounces frozen vodka in a martini glass that is also frozen
One strawberry or (any rred berry ) on a stir stick rolled in balsamic vinegar reduction or glaze on a cocktail stick
Rim the glass with reduction then sugar
orange rind garnish
balsamic vinegar benefits: improves digestion promotes fat loss
keeps immune system strong
lowers cholesterol
reduces the risk for hypertension
balances your blood sugar
strengthens bones
treats wounds
helps with heartburn
and acid reflux
it is rich in minerals and it’s an anti-aging products.