The Answered Prayers Project is the effort of Elizabeth Bunbury.

In 2008, Elizabeth decided she wanted to celebrate life by throwing herself by throwing herself 50th birthday party. She wanted to give something back to women who have been instrumental in her life, so she created more than 100 crosses of all sizes, shapes, and colors. As a party favor, each woman chose their “perfectly flawed” cross as unique and different as themselves.

But one woman resisted taking a cross. She explained that she had anger, resentment and confusion about religion. However, she did decide to take one as she left the party – picking the one that was the most imperfect. She carried if for months as a reminder of the blessings in her life, and eventually passed it along to someone else.

Elizabeth credits this story for inspiring “Answered Prayers Project.”

Groups of men, women and teens come together in the studio at the St. Pete Brick Street Clay Studio and around the country in different venues to create Answered Prayers Crosses. Each cross has a number on it. As the crosses are passed on, each is registered on a website. The hope is that each cross will be passed along multiple times, and each time it is, that person shares their story.

Each cross is finished with a mustard seed.

“If you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” – Matthew