Make the perfect pasts dish with Alessi!
How to:
-Cook pasta Aldente (1 min less than usual)
-Brown ground beef in skillet using olive oil
– Drain fat & set beef aside
-Brown sausage in skillet using olive oil
– Drain fat & set sausage aside
Make cream sauce:
8 tbsp butter
½ cup flour
3 cup milk
2 egg yolks
½ cup parm cheese
Salt & pepper to taste (½ tsp salt)
How to:
In 2 qt sauce pot melt butter on medium heat.
When butter is melted add flour and whisk together making a paste.
Slowly add the milk into the flour/butter mixture until all milk is added and mixture combined.
Continue to stir until thickened, add salt &. Pepper to taste.
Remove from heat.
In separate bowl, have 2 egg yolks, slowly add sauce mixture 1 tbsp at a time to egg yolks to temper the eggs. Do this for at least a cups worth, then combine all together – Making cream sauce.
How to Build:
In buttered or sprayed baking dish fill pan with cooked pasta.
Sprinkle all cooked beef over pasta.
Add all sausage over beef.
Pour 2 Jars sauce over meat & pasta.
Spread sauce to edge of pan.
Tap pan on counter to make room for cream sauce.
Sprinkle all parmesan sauce over sauce.
Pour cream sauce over parm cheese spreading to the edge of pan.
Sprinkle light layer of Tuscan seasoning on top of cream sauce.
Sprinkle light paprika for color.
Bake in oven at 375 degrees:
Keep in over for 20-25 minutes or until golden and bubbly
Take out of the oven and let sit for 10-15 minutes before cutting.
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