3 Legged Stool

The basics for best ever bowel movements depends on the foundation of having 3 ingredients. Dr. Marisol, Gut and Digestive Health Expert and Queen of the Thrones will show us how. 

Bowel movements are SO important to be having regularly. When you don’t go to the bathroom daily, your stools sit there holding waste products that need to come out of your body. The important waste materials that make up stools are excess cholesterol, excess hormones and other bad things that we don’t want to be reabsorbing. When these wastes are not cleared from our body, it can lead to bad skin, headaches, uncomfortable bloating, bad gas and overall sluggishness and not feeling well.

Think of it like this. You take your garbage out of your house to the garage everyday (so it doesn’t stink up the house). The garbage truck may only come by once a week, but you shouldn’t eliminate only once a week, ‘cause you don’t want stuff stinking up your house! 

So, what are the 3 legs of the stool that are needed for bowel movement success?

The gut operates with pressure and lubrication, so we need:

1. Fiber (pressure) – We are drastically deficient in the amount of fiber we are eating. The recommended dosage is 30 grams of fiber per day. On average, North Americans consume only 4-5 grams per day. 

Get fiber from vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds, these are my favourite. I love CHIA SEEDS, they are high in calcium and fiber! 

2. Fluid (pressure and lubrication) – Our bodies are 80% water. Water is the universal solvent so it moves and cleanses things. Ideally, each day you want to consume 30mL/kg (or 2.2 lbs) of body weight. More if you are exercising. 

3. Fat (lubrication) – Fat is like lubricant to your colon. Avocado (fiber and fat), olive oil and coconut oil are all amazing lubricating fats. Sticking to plant based fats is typically best since some people have issues digesting animal fats.

Let’s make a quick and easy recipe to get these three things into our diet daily. (begin demo)

1 tsp. of chia seeds, 1/2 cup of coconut milk in a can, avocado.

Simply mix these three things together and enjoy on an empty stomach as a mid-day snack. Make sure you are sipping lots of water throughout the day to meet your unique water requirement and you’ll be pooping like a champ in no time!