Whether it’s strength training, cardio, or going on a simple walk, exercise is one of the easiest ways to bring down the stress level. 

“I think it improves our moods. It definitely de-stresses me,” says Alexa Patillo who works out regularly in Tampa.
If you need something a with a little less speed, try yoga! 

“Often times my vibration is really high when I leave class. I feel happy and at peace with myself.” says Ariel Murray who has been practicing yoga for about four years.
“It helps especially with married couples,” says Ashley Thesier, founder of Yoga Loft in Tampa. “Sometimes one of their spouses won’t come, and they’ll notice a difference. They are like you know something is different, you need to go back to yoga!”

Meditating can also help, although it does take a lot of practice.

“Really it becomes taking a step back from the thinking process and being more of an observer of your thoughts,” says Thesier.

Sleeping well at night and eating right also help, especially foods with omega 3s and vitamin c.

Some therapists say if you have a pet, spend time with it. What could be more therapeutic than coming home from a long hard day and being treated like a rock star?

When all else fails, treat yourself to a massage and maybe some aromatherapy either at home or at a spa. 

“Aromatherapy is something people underestimate. It is able to calm you, relax you and center you,” says Krissy Alpagut, owner of Ceilo Spa in South Tampa.