CLEARWATER, Fla. (WFLA) – Hospitals across the country are in desperate need of face masks to protect their employees from contracting the coronavirus.

Henry Mai, the CEO of SioGreen in Clearwater, is determined to help with that shortage. He has already switched his focus from producing water heaters to producing protective masks.

“This is an easy job for me,” said Mai.

Mai thinks like an inventor because he is an inventor. He created a ventilation system more than 20 years ago and he created an infrared tankless water heater, which is the foundation of SioGreen.

However, that business at a standstill due to the coronavirus so Mai is hoping to do something different to make a difference in the local community.

“I never do masks at all,” he said, “So I tried different types of products and different materials and, finally, I got the mask you are wearing now.”

Mai bought the equipment, experimented with fabrics, and spent time perfecting a formula for weeks.

“I don’t want to see people dying,” said Mai.

He is offering these regular masks to the nursing homes free of charge. They are simple to produce and he can make about 2,000 of them in one day.

The healthcare workers require a more sophisticated type of mask.  

“The one I am wearing,” said Mai point to his face, “I tried to make it like N95 the product.”

The N95 masks, which have been proven to effectively protect doctors and nurses from airborne particles that could spread the coronavirus, are rare at the moment.

Mai has learned he will be able to produce a similar mask that can be used by the healthcare workers in the area.

“Right now, I know local that we need it so I keep it in here,” said Mai.

The regular black masks can be washed and they can be worn again and again.

The more sophisticated masks that will be going to the healthcare workers will look like these masks.

If you need either type of mask, you can call Henry Mai at 727-251-2557 to place an order. He is leaving the masks outside of the front door at his office in Clearwater.