TAMPA (WFLA) – For the first day of operation at the FEMA run vaccine site at the Tampa Greyhound Track, things went very smoothly. There was no line of cars during the day for people showing up to get vaccinated and very little wait once they arrived.

“Right now there is no line queued up and so people are getting it and getting it pretty smoothly so far,” said Hallie Anderson with FEMA.

At another FEMA vaccine site at the Larry Sands Sports Complex in Progress Village, there was no line at all for much of the day and people were able to show up to be vaccinated without an appointment.

“I thank God we were able to get our vaccine. We both are 69-years-old so, we needed it,” said Cynthia McDonald who was able to get the vaccine along with her husband in less than a half-hour.

Bernard Scott only found out about the vaccine site Wednesday morning and drove over immediately to get his vaccine.

“My sister lives out here in Progress Village over there and she called me and told me they was giving free shots over here and we thought we was going to have a big line, but it surprised us,” Scott said.

Another FEMA-run vaccine site at Lake Maude Park in Winter Haven also had few people waiting on Wednesday. FEMA says when people find out about these vaccine locations they can go without an appointment as long as they are in a category that has been approved by the state of Florida.

“If you see one of these locations, feel free to walk up and inquire about your eligibility to get a shot,” said Anderson.

Tampa Greyhound Track is at 755 E. Waters Avenue. FEMA has also set up three remote vaccine sites that will administer shots on different dates. The sites are located at:

  • Larry Sand Sports Complex, 5855 S 78th Street in Tampa (March 3 through March 6)
  • Lake Maude Nature Park, 1751 7th Street NW Winter Haven (March 3 through March 10)
  • Hillsborough Community College in Brandon, 10451 Nancy Watkins Drive (March 7 through March 10)