BALTIMORE, Md. (WFLA/NBC) – The mayor of Baltimore is pleading for people to “Stop shooting each other” to keep hospital beds free for coronavirus patients.

Mayor Jack Young is also begging residents to put down their weapons and follow orders to stay home.

The mayor’s comments come after a mass shooting on Tuesday night that left seven people shot and in serious, but stable condition.

Mayor Young also discussed an executive order that will go into effect but he mainly emphasized on how the increase in crime is unacceptable.

“I want to reiterate how completely unacceptable the level of violence is that we have seen recently. We will not stand for mass shootings and increasing crime. We will not stand for this level of violence. I’ve instructed Commissioner Harrison to do everything in his power to combat this crime. We’re dealing with the COVID virus, and those of you who want to continue shoot and kill people in this city, were going to come after you and were going to get you.”

“I’ve signed a declaration for a local state of emergency. My order takes effect at 12:01 P.M. today. This declaration will help speed up the process of procuring goods and services needed to support and protect the residents of Baltimore city and our first responders who are putting their safety on the line to protect all of us. The emergency declaration will also help unite us with our surrounding counties who are also battling COVID-19.”

Baltimore Mayor Jack Young