Breaking bad habits can be challenging for several reasons, but a lot of it has to do with how our brains are wired.

When we engage in a behavior repeatedly, our brains create neural pathways that make it easier for us to continue that behavior in the future. 

Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Carlos Garcia joined Gayle Guyardo the host of the global health and wellness show Bloom and said breaking a bad habit means disrupting these neural pathways and forming new ones, which can take time and effort.

Dr. Garcia shared ways to start creating new habits, all while giving yourself grace when it comes to the struggles that might surface when you’re trying to break the bad ones.

You can watch Bloom in the Tampa Bay Market weekdays at 2pm on WFLA News Channel 8.

Bloom is now part of DBTV Network Seen In Over 300 Million Households worldwide, including Roku TV, and Amazon Fire. 

Bloom also airs in 40 markets across the country, with a reach of approximately 36 million households, and in Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Madison, WI.

Join host Gayle Guyardo weekdays at 2:00pm only on WFLA News Channel 8 — with an encore broadcast late night 3:00am. Tune into BLOOM and watch your life grow!