Host, Wellness Empowerment Guru & Author of the SUPER WOMAN RX, Dr. Taz Bhatia  joins Gayle Guyardo the host of the nationally syndicated health and wellness show Bloom with the Top Ten Weight Loss Hacks That Really Work:  

1. MCT Oil: 1 tbsp per day can help stabilize the belly, stop hunger cravings and sugar binges.
2. Nutritional Yeast: Get a quick metabolism boost by sprinkling this on your salads or smoothies- high in b vitamins, a great hack to beat the energy slump.
3. Stay home: Limit restaurant eating to 2x per week- portions too big, too much salt.
4. Acupressure beads: Wear these daily to stop cravings and excess eating- beads taped onto certain regions of the ear can help stop cravings. The thought? Pressure on the point associated with a meridian helps to stop cravings.
5. ACV: Drink this in the morning to get your digestive system moving and in the afternoon/ evening to help prevent excess eating.
6. Digestive enzymes/ HCL- We lose these as we age, which makes it difficult to break down food, increases the work of the gut and affects our metabolic rate- miracle stories of people losing weight simply starting this with their meals.
7. The 14 hour fast: Seeing patients lose weight when they adopt the daily 14 -16 hour fast- clears out insulin, lowers blood sugar and gets rid of belly weight.
8. The afternoon green smoothie: Don’t reach for sugar or coffee to keep going – indulge in an afternoon green smoothie to keep your energy charged and metabolism revving.
9. Stretch your spine: invert, Pilates, back bends- this controls your autonomic nervous system and can help with stress eating.
10.    Detox in a sauna: 3x per week,  helps your body reduce its chemical load, cleaning out the liver and improving your metabolic rate.

Bloom airs in 40 markets across the country, with a reach of approximately 36 million households, and in Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Madison, WI.

You can watch Bloom in the Tampa Bay Market weekdays at Noon on WTTA: Spectrum 1006; Frontier 514; DirecTV 38; Dish 38; Comcast 43, and look for Bloom early mornings on WFLA News Channel 8.