The Light Adjustable Lens experience with Kevin Harrington

TAMPA (BLOOM) – American Entreprenuer Kevin Harrington and Newsom Eye Cataract, Refractive and Glaucoma Surgeon, Brian Szabo, DO, join Gayle Guyardo, the host of the global health and wellness show, Bloom, to share more about The Light Adjustable Lens™ (LAL®) and the cutting edge technology it provides as the first and only lens that can be customized after cataract surgery. Kevin was a patient of Newsom Eye and recently received The Light Adjustable Lens™ (LAL®).

The Light Adjustable Lens™ (LAL®) was designed to benefit patients diagnosed with cataracts, and Newsom Eye has implanted more light adjustable lenses than any other surgeon in the world.

Learn more about The Light Adjustable Lens™ (LAL®) by visiting or call 813-908-2020 to schedule an appointment.