The author of “Healthy Kids In An Unhealthy World: Practical Parenting Tips for Picky Eating, Toxin Reduction, and Stronger Immune Systems”, Dr. Ana-Maria Temple MD, joined Gayle Guyardo the host of the global health and wellness show Bloom with pool snacks that can impact your child’s brain.

She provided the below list of what parents should be on the look out for:

1 – Do your pool snacks contain Red 40, Yellow 5 & 6, Blue 1?

These chemicals are linked to ADHD, hyperactivity, anger, eczema, asthma

2 – Do the drinks you bring to the pool contain sugar in the form of sugar, juice concentrate, juice

puree, corn syrup, dextrose, and so on?

100 grams of Sugar depresses the immune system for up to 5 hours after ingestion. 100 grams = 8 oz

OJ, 1 can of soda

3 – Do any of your chips contain Monosodium Glutamate

Monosodium glutamate is a preservative that can cause headaches, migraines, asthma exacerbations

4 – Do any of your pool snacks or drinks contain artificial sugars like saccharin, acesulfame,

aspartame, neotame, and sucralose.

These fake sugars mess up our gut bacteria

BLOOM is Tampa Bay’s only daily 1-hour TV show focusing on health & lifestyle.

You can watch weekdays at 2:00pm only on WFLA News Channel 8 — with an encore broadcast late night 3:00am. Tune into BLOOM and watch your life grow!

Bloom is also part of DBTV Network Seen In Over 300 Million Households worldwide, including Roku TV, and Amazon Fire. 

The health and lifestyle show also airs in 40 markets across the country, with a reach of approximately 36 million households, and in Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Madison, WI.