Plant High School student selected as SADD officer

Plant High School student Tatum Morris launched a prescription drug take back initiative that earned her the prestigious Girl Scouts USA Gold Award. 

That award garnered the attention of Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD), a student organization that empowers and mobilizes youth and adult allies to engage in positive change. 

Tatum is now joining forces with the organization and a youth SADD officer.

She joined Gayle Guyardo the host of the global health and wellness show Bloom to share how her campaign; “Making Your Home Drug Free is as simple as 1 2 3!” works.

Morris said, “the project is designed to save lives by helping people properly dispose of the OTC (over-the-counter) drugs, and prescription medications properly.”

The mission is important because 95% of houses in America are not drug free today, and many don’t know the risks of keeping the medicines in their homes or disposing of them improperly.

Drug overdoses are a leading cause of death nationally with over 100K people dying in the past year, 29% more than a year earlier.

36% of accidental poisoning of children occurs in the grandparent’s house

4.5M US teens abuse prescription medicines

New fish phenotypes have appeared near areas where sewer waste is distributed

Tatum is spearheading the project which will guide people to gather all unused, unwanted, or expired prescription and OTC medicines in their homes, bring them to the Davis Island Pharmacy on 12.3 (December 3rd, 2021), where you can bring your medications to be properlyb disposed of, or you can take them to any CVS where take back bins are available.

Tatum says, “Have Peace of mind that “Your Home is Drug Free”.

You can watch Bloom in the Tampa Bay Market weekdays at 2pm on WFLA News Channel 8.

Bloom is now part of DBTV Network Seen In Over 300 Million Households worldwide, including Roku TV, and Amazon Fire.

Bloom also airs in 40 markets across the country, with a reach of approximately 36 million households, and in Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Madison, WI.