TAMPA (BLOOM) – National Speaker, Trainer & Kickass Relationship Coach, Matthew P. Hoffman, joined Gayle Guyardo the host of the global health and wellness show Bloom to share how married couples can influence each other’s physical and mental health.

“The established ‘culture’ or environment of a married relationship directly impacts the physical health of both partners in the relationship?” said Hoffman.

Hoffman believes a positive and satisfying marriage is associated with better mental health outcomes, and conversely, marital dissatisfaction or conflict can contribute to stress and negatively impact mental well-being.

“Every relationship has conflict and disagreements, so is it absolutely essential to the health and wellness of a relationship that couples learn how to reframe conflict as an invitation to connection.”, said Hoffman.

“Both partners in a relationship need to ask themselves if everything they say and do directly impacts the well-being of their spouse.”

Hoffman promotes 14 different pillars in a relationship that represents the qualities that must be present and effectively demonstrated in a relationship for it to be healthy and enduring.

He believes communication is one of the strongest pillars of any relationship and says that is the first place to being the building blocks of strengthening your bond.